Juan and I met back in 2005, almost eleven years ago. There is a pretty big gap between our ages (seven years), so obviously when we met, I had no idea that one day we would have a relationship like the one we have now. He left to Colombia when I was about fourteen years old and came back four years later, when I was eighteen (an adult). I remember the first time I saw him after coming back from Colombia, and I developed a little crush on him. Being older than me, I never imagined anything would ever happen, but then, we started to work together at church, and because we lived so close, we would carpool sometimes. That was when I truly got to know Juan.

The first thing that got me to start falling for him was his sense of humor. I had never laughed with anyone else as much as I did when I was with him. The smiling he caused, would usually make my face hurt. The first thing that he did for me, without even trying, was make me happy. At one point, although I felt happy being his friend, I realized that it wasn’t enough, and I wanted more.

Unfortunately, guys aren’t usually as smart as girls, so it takes time for them to realize when a girl wants more. Especially, if the girl isn’t being direct. Juan is the kind of guy that doesn’t notice things until you point it out, like really point it out, and so he didn’t make it easy for me at first. This was the first time I had ever expressed my feelings first (to a guy), but luckily, he didn’t take much convincing to be with me.

We have been together for almost three years now, and he still makes me laugh every day just as much, and sometimes more than in the beginning. So every time I smile or laugh at one of his jokes, it takes me back to when it all started. Except now, I have much more than before. I have more than just humor. I have gained love, someone that cares for me, and memories that I will never be able to forget. I’m in love with a great person, and no one compares. I look into his face every day, thinking to myself, that I have never loved him more, and every day I find another reason to keep loving.

Our relationship isn’t perfect; we always have issues taking a good picture, but I’ve learned to deal with it. Some issues are obviously bigger than that, but with the years, it’s become easier to work things out, and not give up on what we’ve built together. We’ve built something beautiful and strong, something we are both proud of, which is important for a relationship. When in a relationship, both people have to be able to make each other happy by putting in as much effort as the other. That will build a relationship you both can be proud of.

Sometimes it may take a few (good and bad) relationships before we find the right person, and other times it feels like we will never find love. We don’t have full control of when love will walk into our life, or if it already has into yours, but love is always around us. Sometimes we just have to patiently wait a little longer to see it, or it could have already been in plain sight all along- just like it took Juan and me eleven years to realize it, but the thing about love, is that no matter how long it may take to find it, when you do, the wait will be meaningless, because that person will always be worth every moment you waited.



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