Ever since we are born our parents try to do what is best for us. They start by giving us the necessities, like food, clothes, shelter, and love. Then as we grow, they learn to adjust to the way we act, or the things we like. As we grow older, we become pickier or moody, and sometimes even act selfish towards them. We no longer want to spend time with them, or we become “old enough” to make our own decisions and we think we know what is best for ourselves. Sadly, there are times when we also tend to forget the price they had to pay in order to give us everything, ever since the beginning of our small, vulnerable lives.

So to answer the question- what inspires me, is my parents. I don’t know every story behind each event of my life, but I do know that my parents were the ones behind most of it. They have taught me to value love and about sacrifice, which is something very important to learn.

My parents got married at 18, and because neither of them had families that could loan them money, they started off with nothing. Their first home was built on a small property they saved up money to buy, and they had a little wooden house built by my father’s own hands. That was a lot of work and took time, but my parents worked hard to have a home of their own and a place to raise their family. This was my first home, and I, in that little wooden house, learned to crawl, walk, talk and also, to value my first experiences with love. I learned the meaning of love towards my parents and towards my first best friend, my sister, Claudia.

Sometimes we also have to give up things for the people we love, we call that sacrifice. When I was three years old, my parents left their home behind in Mexico, and risked everything just to introduce my six-month old sister, Claudia, and I to this country and to a better life. That sacrifice that my parents made to give our family a better home, has been inspiring me since I was a little girl, and it has inspired me to work hard for what I want. A day doesn’t go by that I am not thankful for the opportunity I’ve had to live here, in the U.S. and it’s all thanks to a single decision my parents made. It must have not been easy and I am sure at first, it seemed impossible, but they did it anyway. So that act of love taught me to value sacrifice, their sacrifice.

Like I said at the beginning, sometimes we forget the price our parents paid for our families to have a good life. To me, my inspiration is my parents, but to you it could be an aunt or uncle, a brother or sister, and maybe a best friend. Today, take a look around at the things you have, or at yourself in the mirror. If it reminds you of the things the people you love have done for you, don’t forget to thank them. Think about the things they have taught you, and let them know how much they have inspired you. The people we love are usually the ones that mold us, making us who we are, and maybe just as much as they are our inspiration, we may be theirs as well.



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